DEVGRU Blue Squadron and 160th SOAR Train in Downtown New Orleans
DEVGRU Blue Squadron Operators training (MOUT) alongside 160th SOAR in downtown New Orleans 2016. YouTube Tips ⓘ Training sometime in 2016.
DEVGRU Blue Squadron Operators training (MOUT) alongside 160th SOAR in downtown New Orleans 2016. YouTube Tips ⓘ Training sometime in 2016.
The Army plans to modify its fitness tests for the first time in 30 years to make sure all soldiers have the strength, endurance and mobility for battle, adding exercises like running an obstacle course […]
A startling analysis of radical Islam’s goal to bring on the Māhdī. Controversial Fox News host Glenn Beck and author of The Islamic AntiChrist, Joel Richardson, explained the goal of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sixth and current […]
Courtesy: Federal Aviation Administration. Civil Aerospace Medical Institute.
Amazon.com Widgets GUIDES FOR FIRST RESPONDERS & GUIDES FOR PERSONAL/FAMILY PREPAREDNESS Guides to emergency preparedness for our first responders, police, paramedics and community government leaders. Personal and family preparedness for food storage and personal daily […]
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