New Yorkers Protest Disruptive Terror Trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)in Manhattan

“New York Governor David Paterson says he’s “elated” that our concerns about the trial are being considered by the president.”

New York officials and New York residents are worried about …
Logistic affects of massive demand on law enforcement
Congestion of traffic
Strain on budget
Disruption of businesses that are already struggling

Sen. Chuck Schumber (D) New York …
“I called the White House and told them that it would be a very good idea if they looked for alternative sites.”

What are the optional sites for the 9/11 Terror Trials for KSM, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Stewarts Air Force Base/ Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, New York
West Point

Wikipedia: New York | New York City | Manhattan | Stewarts Air Force Base/ Stewart Air National Guard Base | Newburgh, New York | United States Military Academy West Point | Khalid Sheikh Mohammed